Change is Possible.

Most people form their perceptions of prisons based on media portrayals, which often depict the situation harshly and devoid of hope. This limited perspective hinders belief in the potential for justice-involved individuals to transform their lives, break free from criminal cycles, and positively contribute to society.

Government data shows that most state prison inmates will eventually rejoin the community. Nevertheless, statistics show that a considerable portion of previously incarcerated individuals will engage in criminal behavior, leading to rearrest or imprisonment within three years of release, with many falling back into criminal activities or parole violations that result in re-incarceration. This is referred to as the recidivism rate. State prisoner recidivism rates in the U.S. average around 68 percent for rearrests within the first three years post-release.

The alarming recidivism rates pose a pressing national crisis. Recidivating inmates not only harm themselves but also impacts their families and victims while imposing increased costs on governments and taxpayers due to repeated incarcerations.

We believe individuals reintegrating into society often face challenges such as:

  • Insufficient resources for re-entry

  • Limited job prospects

  • Lack of social support services

  • Restricted access to public aid

  • Economic disparities perpetuating poverty

  • Inadequate housing options leading to homelessness

  • Educational gaps, financial constraints

  • Weakened social structures

  • Insufficient training for gainful employment

  • Limited healthcare and mental health services

The inability to access appropriate re-entry services has been recognized as a significant obstacle to employment, contributing to increased rates of repeat offenses.

At Good Turn Labor, we aim to address these issues by providing:

  • Financial literacy courses

  • Tattoo removal services

  • Fellowship

  • Support programs

  • Addiction interventions

  • 24-hour staff availability

  • Transportation assistance

  • Case management for essential documents

  • Technology guidance for job searches

  • Mentoring initiatives

Beyond reducing recidivism and enhancing employment opportunities, education and effective programming have positive ripple effects on personal relationships, social interactions, and economic stability.

At Good Turn Labor, we are dedicated to making tangible progress through our programs; however, we understand that collective effort is essential. We seek individuals who share our belief in positive change, fostering awareness, forgiveness and hope, ultimately aiming to reduce high recidivism rates. Join us by staying updated on our initiatives and exploring how you can contribute to this mission.


Unemployment After Reentry